Is It Worth it to Choose Working as a Freelance Software Developer?

Last updated 12 months ago


Freelance software development is a great way to start and build a career and earn decently while enjoying an independent professional and personal life. However, there are several freelance software developers today and projects to work on at various levels of competence and expertise. Moreover, there are several platforms that enable freelance software developers to find work. But is it worth it? What are the real prospects and opportunities for growth and success?

Who is a Freelance Software Developer?

Who is a Freelance Software Developer

Freelance software developers are independent working professionals who write and design computer software for their clients. Software developers should have a minimum qualification in computer science or computer engineering. Developers can have special or specific skills in system networking, business software, game design, etc. Software developers are assigned the tasks of designing, coding, and testing software. They are required to work in specific programming languages like Java, Python, C, C++, SQL, PHP, JavaScript, HTML, and many more.

Software development languages are built on different premises or bases, like procedural programming, functional programming, object-oriented programming, logic programming, or scripting languages.

Basic Tasks and Responsibilities in Freelance Software Development.

Whereas in software company settings, all project research is centrally monitored and tracked, freelance software developers have to work in an independent setting. However, there are still requirements for timely software project research, design, implementation, and management of software programmes. Besides, testing and evaluation of the new software programmes can be done on free-to-use platforms. This requires pointing out areas for change in the current software programmes and developing the modifications. Doing flawless and seamless software code writing and implementation.

- Design, build, test, and deploy software applications and their features.

- Take software products through the software development life cycle.

- Write clean, concise, and efficient code.

- Manage code documentation and version control.

- Work in agile environments to release software on schedule.

How Much Does a Freelance Software Developer Earn on Average?

In the USA, UK, and India, depending on or subject to professional software development skills, and in tier 1, 2, and 3 IT cities, freelance software developer earnings vary. This is also further determined by the level of experience of the junior, mid-level, or senior-level developer. 

In USA, freelance junior developers with 1-4 years' experience start at $16/hr. Mid-level developers with 5–9 years of experience may be paid $23–35/hr. Senior developers with 10+ years of experience have rates starting at $50–75 per hour. Freelance developers charge hourly rates and are entitled to all working benefits.

In India, junior freelance software developers charge $6 per hour. Hiring a mid-career freelance software developer cost $8 per hour. Senior freelance developers charge $13–15 per hour.

Is It Safe and Worth It to Take the Plunge as a Freelance Software Developer?

Software development is one of the safest and fastest-growing career platforms in the IT industry, backed by a solid need for experienced professionals. The more definitive and experienced you are, the more secure your earnings and reputation will grow or become.

Choosing a career in freelance software development requires taking the necessary steps to acquire the vital skills in computer software programming. There are several programming languages to learn, with most offering higher and better employment in Asia, Europe, North America, and many other parts of the world.

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